My Story.

David “Troy” Riggs is a retired Public Safety Professional. He began his career in his hometown of Louisville, Kentucky. Riggs recently retired after 30 years of public safety service. Most notably he has served as a police chief of two departments and the public safety director in three cities (Corpus Christi, Texas; Indianapolis, Indiana; and Denver Colorado).
Over the course of his career in public safety, Riggs developed data-based practices to address the degradation of residents’ quality of life, expanded citizen-government engagement, assisted with the
successful merger of government services, implemented best practices in community policing, and established operational efficiencies while increasing productivity.
Riggs’ experience in public service is further complemented by his commitment to community engagement. He has received many leadership and community awards, including recognition by the National Association of the Advancement of Colored People and the League of Latin American Citizens. He has testified before Congress on Homeland Security Issues and was involved in President Obama’s “My Brother’s Keeper Initiative."
Riggs is a Political Science graduate of the University of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky and he holds a EMBA from Sullivan University in Louisville, Kentucky. He and his wife Kara have been married for 30 years and have two sons, David and Caleb.
Troy Riggs was born and raised by his parents in Louisville, Kentucky. Blessed with parents who were actively involved in his life, Riggs was able to participate in various sports and church activities. His first job was during summer break in college where he worked as a laborer on a construction crew. The crew was in charge of building a pool and associated buildings. While working there, he was asked to become the pool manager. From this position he then met an individual who was beginning a radio station and thought Troy could be an on-air personality. The job introduced him to media and he worked for the

Christian Radio Station while completing his college degree. Once he graduated, he entered recruit school for the police department.
In 1990, Troy married Kara (CEO of Riggs Ventures) and they have been blessed with two sons. David currently owns a thriving business in the Denver area, while Caleb is a student at Texas A&M University and a proud member of the Corps of Cadets.
Troy and Kara have spent most of their time raising two fine young men, but also found time in their busy schedules to teach bible study groups, volunteer for the Boy Scouts and various organizations, along with coaching youth athletics.
As a person of faith, Troy is quick to give God the credit for the success that he has achieved. As a mentor would often remind him, God’s providential guidance is essential to success. So, prayer, faith, and hard work became the motto he has tried to live by each and every day.